Real Estate & Construction Sales & Marketing Logistics & Supply Chain

Recruitment & headhunting
We are here to help you find your ideal job opportunity

Hledám zaměstnance

Looking for a new job

  • Thanks to strict confidentiality your employer will not find out that you are looking for a new job.
  • You always know exactly who sees your CV and who you will communicate with.
  • Cooperation with us is always free of charge.
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Hledám zaměstnance

Looking for an employee

  • We combine database search and headhunting, to find the perfect fit.
  • We work for a success fee. If the applicant does not start, there is no fee.
  • We cooperate successfully with both major international companies as well as local players.
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Our expertise



We are a recruitment consultancy that specialises in the field of Real Estate & Construction with one of the largest teams solely dedicated to this sector in the recruitment industry. We are able to provide you with extensive knowledge in this field (residential and commercial real estate - Investment, Development and Advisory services across all sectors including offices, retail, industrial and residential). We can advise you on which company culture may fit you best and where you may develop professionally. 

Knowing the market, we are well placed to guide you through the often complex series of salary, structure and benefits negotiations with your potential employer. 

Are you looking to join a real estate consultancy, developer or private equity fund? We would love to hear from you and learn more about your experience and future aspirations. 

Most frequently filled jobs
  • Letting / Leasing Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Property / Facility Manager
  • Construction Manager
  • Asset Management
  • Cost Manager
  • Valuation / Investment
  • Development / Expansion Manager
Sales & Marketing

Sales & Marketing

Prušák Group Sales & Marketing are looking for specialists across the industry not only in the Czech Republic, but also across Central & Eastern Europe. We can provide you with the highest quality offers in B2B, and we can also successfully find career opportunities for applicants with B2C experience. Our clients are proven companies that value a positive feedback from their employees and customers. Our clients include medium-sized companies or corporations often with turnover in excess of 10 billion Czk as well as small private and entrepreneurial companies with a clear vision and efficient processes. Are you interested in working for an American, German, Australian or Czech company? We will discuss all the potential options with you. We can guarantee you complete discretion.

Most frequently filled jobs
  • Area Sales Manager
  • Head of Marketing
  • Business Development Manager
  • Marketing / PR Manager
  • Sales Director
  • Digital Marketing Manager / Specialist
  • Key Account Manager
  • Marketing / PR Specialist
  • Territory Sales Representative
  • Brand Manager
Sales & Marketing
Logistics & Supply Chain

Logistics & Supply Chain

The Logistics & Supply Chain division in our organisation is led by our experienced Logistics specialists who have proven track record on placing suitable candidates in key positions at multinational corporations. Our Logistics & Supply Chain division is a credible partner in identifying the right job opportunity as well as advising on complex salary and package negotiations. Should you prefer to work on the client side or provider of specific supply chain solutions, we are ready to assist you in your requirements regardless of the seniority of the position.

Most frequently filled jobs
  • Sales Manager Logistics
  • Supply Chain Analyst
  • Logistic / Supply Chain Manager
  • Depot Manager
  • Demand Planner
  • Disponent
  • Managing Director
  • Customer Service Specialist
Candidates interviewed in 2022
projects assigned in 2022
placement success rate

Do you know a skilled specialist looking for a job?

We will reward you with a tablet for your recommendation.

Feedback from clients and candidates

"Excellent communication with consultants. One can tell that they enjoy their work and have an overview of market specialists and new talents."
HR Manager
"I was approached with offers by various headhunters, but few were as relevant to me as from PG. It was a challenge. I wasn't actively looking for a jnew job, but I'm glad I went for it. "
Export Manager CEE
,,Thank you for mediating the work of dreams and the overall direction! After returning from America, I didn't know much about the job market, so thank you so much that I had an opportunity to discuss it with you and find a solution. I never thought of marketing, but you were right, that's exactly it! I told my former colleague about you and he is definitely going to contact you. Thank you."
Marketing & PR Coordinator
"Within a few years, I wanted to lead the construction from A to Z. In PG, they helped me choose a suitable position in a company that will develop my career."
Head of Project Management
"Thank you once again for your time devoted to my career guidance. You really opened my eyes and both recommended positions are very interesting for me. I also passed on your contact to colleagues who are solving the same dilemma."
Supply Chain Manager
Zkušenosti uchazečů a firem
Outplacement – služba, která teď u firem frčí!

Outplacement – služba, která teď u firem frčí!

Současná doba je plná změn. Máme za sebou karanténu, která téměř na 2 měsíce zastavila řadu firem, prošli jsme první vlnu propouštění, zastavením náborů a teď se vše postupně rozbíhá a začíná sčítání ztrát. Mnoho firem naštěstí „přežilo“ a udrželo si své zaměstnance, ale stále je svírá nejistota a strach z druhé vlny a dalšího zastavení ekonomiky, kterou by už ustát nemuseli.
Koronavirus na trhu práce

Koronavirus na trhu práce

Covid-19 – celosvětové téma číslo jedna, které zasáhlo mnoho oborů. Pomalu vystupujeme z nejistoty, nařízení se nyní uvolňují a vypadá to, že se život vrací zpět do „zajetých kolejí“. Nebo ne? Jak to tedy teď vypadá na trhu práce a jak koronavirus ovlivnil pracovní nabídky?
Pracovní trh se mění – Jak vyplout z davu a získat vysněnou pozici?

Pracovní trh se mění – Jak vyplout z davu a získat vysněnou pozici?

Časy, kdy byl kandidátů nedostatek a personalisté se radovali z každého nového CV už jsou bohužel pryč a koronavirus v tomto ohledu značně zamíchal kartami. Momentálně je na trhu mnohem více volných kandidátů, než pracovních pozic. Nemá však smysl dál vyčkávat a čekat, jak se situace vyvine. Získat pozici snů můžete za jakýkoliv podmínek, musíte však vystoupit z davu!